One of the great things about living in the Lakeland, Florida area is being able to enjoy the outdoors pretty much all year long. Although the weather makes this possible, sometimes, it’s the bugs that make it impractical. If you would like to spend more time outdoors at your home, screen enclosures will let you do it without battling mosquitoes, love bugs, and other flying insects.
Screen enclosures can be built either entirely screened or with a roofing system over part or all of it. It is nice to consider at least a partial roofing system so that you can enjoy the outdoors even when it is raining. It is also beneficial for providing some respite from the sun.
Screen enclosures are able to be constructed in any size that your property and regulations enable. They can be as simple as an entry way at the front of your home to cut down on flying insects making it into the house when you open the door to massive enclosures that extend around other backyard features such as a pool or lanai. In fact, screen enclosures around a pool cuts down on debris ending up in your pool.
If you would like more information about how screen enclosures could increase the enjoyment of your home, give us a call at Integrity Homes & Construction Inc. We are a full-fledged builder handling new-home construction as well as renovations and roofing. With more than 20 years serving the community, we have a reputation for quality workmanship and innovative designs.